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 Home > Events > 2011 Events > September Event


The weather was very warm, and sunny, for the drive at Christ and Sandy Madsen's in Wisconsin, just east of Stillwater. Four vehicles started out on a 7 mile loop, and three completed the loop. Kim Linner, a new members of the club, brought her new Haflinger mare, Lady, whom she had purchased a week earlier. Lady did a wonderful job of staying close behind Letourneau's Shire team, driven by Ken and Pam. Flare was the pace setter for this adventure, giving Sharon and Carol a good tour of the Wisconsin hills. The horses enjoyed a refreshing shower from the hose after their workouts. The post-drive potluck was a small group, but there was still plenty of good food and conversation to share, while enjoying the panoramic view of the valley from Madsen's patio.