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   Last Updated: 7/28/14


 Home > Events > July Event
Hosted by Steve and Becky Waddell

Rainy weather kept may away from the July Drive at the Waddell's, but for those who risked the weather, it was an enjoyable afternoon. Steve and Becky's daughter and grandson were among attendees at this event, in addition to Sharon, Wayne, Carol, Kenn and George. The pot luck was held before the drive, since everyone was hungry, and there was still some concern about the rain. However, the rain held off, and we were able to eat on the patio near the garden and Gypsy Wagon (that doubles as a TV room, office, reading room and guest bedroom). Horses were warmed up in the pasture before going out on the road. Only two training carts went out, pulled by two animated trotters - the drive had a bit of an Amish feel. Just after loading Flare and the training cart into the trailer, the rain started again.